Terms and Conditions


Agreement” means these Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy, the Fundraising Guidelines, and the Parental Consent Form (if applicable).

Eligible Entrant” has the meaning given in clause 20.

“Event” means Lymphoma Australia’s Steps for Lymphoma virtual fitness and fundraising challenge taking place from 12:01am AEST on 1 March 2024 to 11:59pm AEST on 31 March 2024. There is no registration fee for this event.

“We /Lymphoma Australia /Us” means Lymphoma Australia  ABN 36 709 461 048.

1. Steps for Lymphoma is a virtual fitness and fundraising challenge to walk or run your own kilometre target throughout March 2024, whilst raising vital funds to support the Lymphoma Australia. By participating in Steps for Lymphoma, you are accepting these Terms & Conditions, the Privacy Policy, the Fundraising Guidelines, and the Parental Consent Form (if applicable) and agree to comply with them.

2. Please read all terms carefully as this is a legal document that affects your rights.

3. I acknowledge that the Event and any associated training including (but not limited to) training walks and runs may involve certain inherent risks of injury or even death from various causes. This includes but is not limited to walking and running on roads and uneven, steep or rocky surfaces, walking and running at night by torch light in the open natural environment and walking and running under various weather conditions. I am aware of the hazards involved and engage in the Event at my own risk.

4. I acknowledge participation in the Event in a public place where people are present also increases my risk of exposure to and contraction of communicable disease(s), including but not limited to COVID-19.

5. I acknowledge that the Event may involve significant risk of physical harm or personal injury including permanent disability and/or death to participants and that any such injury or loss may result not only from the actions of Lymphoma Australia or its employees but from the actions, omission or negligence of others.

6. I acknowledge that the activities of the Event may constitute a "recreational service" as defined in the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Commonwealth) and the liability of Lymphoma Australia (including for death or personal injury) arising out of the failure by Lymphoma Australia, its employees or volunteers to comply with any consumer guarantees under that Act is excluded to the maximum extent permitted by law.

7. I acknowledge that, to the maximum extent permitted by law, LYMPHOMA AUSTRALIA is excluded from all liability to me, including negligence, whether on behalf of LYMPHOMA AUSTRALIA or its employees, and whether my loss or damage has occurred to myself or my property. Where that liability cannot be excluded, the liability of LYMPHOMA AUSTRALIA is limited to the maximum extent permitted by law.

8. I acknowledge that LYMPHOMA AUSTRALIA shall not be responsible to me for any punitive, exemplary, incidental, special or consequential damages, including but without limitation loss of profits, loss of revenue, loss or denial of opportunity, indirect/remote/abnormal or unforeseen loss or any similar loss whether in the reasonable contemplation of LYMPHOMA AUSTRALIA or me.

9. I acknowledge that the activity may be physically demanding in some susceptible individuals and may involve exposure to the natural elements, extreme weather and other circumstances over which LYMPHOMA AUSTRALIA has no control.

10. I certify that I am physically fit to take part in and train for this event and have not been advised otherwise by a qualified medical professional. I am not suffering from a medical condition that would make me unfit to participate in the Event.

11. I understand that the terms herein are contractual, serious, not a mere recital and form the basis of the Agreement by which I participate.

12. I further acknowledge that I have been advised by the principals, servants and/or agents of LYMPHOMA AUSTRALIA of the risks associated with the activities and to the extent permitted by law, I have voluntarily assumed those risks.

13. I understand that nothing in this Agreement limits or excludes provisions made in the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Commonwealth) and the Australian Consumer Law or other applicable legislation and that despite my participation and acceptance of this Agreement I will still have the benefit of consumer protection.

14. Any content that you post (e.g. photos, videos and comments) is your responsibility, and you must make sure that you have the necessary rights to post that content (e.g. by obtaining permission of copyright owners if necessary or by obtaining permission to use personal information of third parties).

15. I give permission for the free use by LYMPHOMA AUSTRALIA of, and grant to LYMPHOMA AUSTRALIA a non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free worldwide right to use and reproduce, my name, image and voice in any broadcast, or any other account on social media, the LYMPHOMA AUSTRALIA website or any media, for the Event.

16. Participants of the Event can share their own story, content or photos relating to why they are doing the campaign. LYMPHOMA AUSTRALIA reserves the right to request the removal of any content if the content is not in the best interests of the community or LYMPHOMA AUSTRALIA. I agree to abide by such requests.

17. I acknowledge this Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Queensland, Australia.

18. I further acknowledge that this document may be relied upon in any proceedings instituted in any court by me or my heirs, executors and assigns.

19. Any disputes by Event participants concerning the conduct of the Event are to be resolved with LYMPHOMA AUSTRALIA.

20. I further state that I am over 18 years old and legally competent to sign this acknowledgement. If I am under 18 years old, I have obtained parental consent to participate in the Event by way of submitting a Parental Consent Form to LYMPHOMA AUSTRALIA.

21. Participation by children under 15 years. To participate in the Event, children under 15 years of age must: 

a) have the explicit consent of their parent or guardian to participate at the time of registration
b) be accompanied/supervised by their parent or guardian (the Supervisor) during the Event Period and any associated fundraising activities

22. This event is supported by the Funraisin platform and all fundraising.

23. Any fundraising activity undertaken by a third party to raise funds for LYMPHOMA AUSTRALIA will be conducted by that individual or group/committee and is the sole responsibility of the person/s undertaking that fundraising.

24. LYMPHOMA AUSTRALIA reserves the right to refuse approval of any proposed fundraising activity deemed to be unacceptable or non-aligned with the LYMPHOMA AUSTRALIA brand.

25. LYMPHOMA AUSTRALIA is not responsible for any expenses incurred by you in undertaking your fundraising activities. The person/parties authorised to fundraise are responsible for payment of all expenses in relation to the agreed fundraising activity.

26. LYMPHOMA AUSTRALIA is unable to secure raffle or auction prizes for your fundraising activity.

27.  We do not provide public liability insurance for fundraising events organised by a third party. Organisers will need to take out their own public liability insurance.

28. We accept no responsibility for any accidents or incidents that occur during the organisation or running of your fundraising activity. You indemnify us with any insurance you obtain in relation to your activity.  

29. It is the responsibility of the person/parties undertaking the fundraising activity to gain any licences or approvals which may be necessary to operate their fundraising activity from relevant local and state authorities (e.g. councils).

30. Any person/party who undertakes a fundraising activity on behalf of a registered charity without authorisation by that charity is acting outside of the law and can be prosecuted.

31. We reserve the right to refuse, or cancel at any time the granting of an authority to fundraise if we believe it is not in the best interests of the individual, the community or LYMPHOMA AUSTRALIA.

32. LYMPHOMA AUSTRALIA may allow third parties to use its logos in limited circumstances.  You must obtain our written permission before using any of our logos. 

33. In order for us to consider any such request, you will be required to provide LYMPHOMA AUSTRALIA with a copy of your intended promotional material before releasing it to the public. This includes use of the Steps for Lymphoma logo, Legs Out for Lymphoma logo and related materials.

Your personal information

Please read the privacy statement for more information about use of your personal information.

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding our terms and conditions, our fundraising policy or if you encounter any problems with this site, please contact us 1800 953 081 (press 2 for fundraising)  


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