Betty Maass

STEPS for Lymphoma

I'm taking part in Steps for Lymphoma

Lymphoma Australia is the only organisation in Australia dedicated and committed solely to patients and caregivers dealing with lymphoma and CLL.

This March, alongside a community of like-minded individuals, every step I take contributes to the collective steps for the Lymphoma goal, aiming to complete a loop around Australia. By doing so, we express solidarity with and provide support to Australians facing the challenges of living with Lymphoma.

The extensive journey along the Australian coastline spans a total of 30,400,000 steps. Each step I take this March brings us closer to achieving the overarching goal. I invite you to support me on this journey in any way possible, knowing that your support directly impacts Australians navigating the complexities of Lymphoma.

My Achievements


Logged Steps

Received First Donation

Reached Fundraising Goal

Thanked Supporter

STEPS Achieved

My Updates

Day 31 - Finish line

Monday 1st Apr
Made it to the finish line.  Small steps to good habits.  Research is showing that exercise is beneficial for cancer patients.  Thank you to those of you that donated to the charity, and especially thank you to those that supported me spiritually and physically.  I know my time will come when I will have to have treatment and the support of the group has been immense and enlightening.  My donation target may not have been met, but it was a very ambitious one to start.  It's good to know where to start <3

Day 1

Friday 1st Mar
Start the journey of awareness. Sharing is empowering and builds strength- one step at a time <3

Thank you to my Sponsors


Miriam Lamont

Take care & good luck





Carol Bindon

Great work, Betty. Inspiring.


Evie & Grant Reid

Good work Betty!




Sanita Kratina

Go get them, Betty Boop!


Betty Maass