Rebecah Hackney

STEPS for Lymphoma

I'm taking part in Steps for Lymphoma

2023 was the hardest year for us yet. Being diagnosed with HL and then finding out we were pregnant when going through the egg collection procedure before chemo whilst also in the middle of renovations our life was abit chaotic. We are participating in the steps for lymphoma to raise awareness and support people like myself living with lymphoma as we know first hand how hard it is. 🫶🏼

My Achievements


Logged Steps

Received First Donation

Reached Fundraising Goal

Thanked Supporter

STEPS Achieved

My Updates

Suns out

Sunday 3rd Mar
Enjoying the sun and fresh air whilst getting our steps in ☀️

Chemotherapy whilst pregnant

Friday 1st Mar
We’re doing steps for lymphoma this month to raise awareness for lymphoma and tell our story. I was diagnosed at the end of June for Hodgkin lymphoma. We started the egg collection process just 3 days later to get treatment underway. On my 25th birthday we were waiting around for my medications to be delivered when my blood tests come back stating I was pregnant. As my partner and I wanted this, we were shocked at the timing but knew we really wanted a baby. We had appointment after appointment to find out what I meant for our baby and myself to go through chemotherapy together. As this isn’t very common a lot of people were shocked at our situation but we got all the information that we needed. With constant check on my cancer and the growth of bub we waited until second trimester to start chemotherapy. We completed 8 rounds of ABVD and now in remission with a healthy baby boy. Our experience has been one of a kind but I couldn’t have done it without my family and friends. 💚 

Thank you to my Sponsors



You are an inspiration! So proud of you 💖


Kel And Frank

Bec you are beyond brave and strong, we are so proud of you 👏


Jodi A

We are in awe of your strength and positivity Bec and Cooper



All the best Bec ,were all so proud of you


Abbey Gibson

Couldn’t be more proud of you! Love you always 💚💚